Improving equine range of motion since 1997
Before ordering Horse Stretching, the streaming video, please read the release below.
Liability Release:
“Being around horses has certain inherent risks and when you are around horses you assume those risks. Risks include getting kicked, stepped on, bitten, thrown off, fallen on, or rolled on by a horse. All of these can happen when around horses. These techniques have the potential to cause physical injury if done improperly. We cannot be present as you learn and practice these techniques, therefore we assume no responsibility for your safety. All risks must be understood to be yours alone including any misuse of these techniques. We assume no responsibility for any injury resulting from misuse of the Horse Stretching techniques presented here. This video is for information purposes and is not guaranteed to assure that your horse can or will reach any particular “Range of Motion.” We recommend that if anyone trains/teaches horses to stretch with these techniques to be at least eighteen (18) years old and advanced in their horse knowledge. People and horses should be in good physical shape to perform these techniques. These stretching exercises are designed for healthy horses and healthy people. Consult your doctor and your veterinarian before starting any exercises”
For safety: Let your farrier AND veterinarian know you have trained your horse to stretch (let them know their touching certain areas may be stretching cues), so they can be aware and safe.
Only $9.95 for 10 views
Click on button to go to a secure payment area to order your streaming video.
By purchasing the video, you agree to be bound by the terms of this contract.
You also agree to Ridge Route Ranch’s Terms of Use. Read Terms Here.
We cannot stress enough the importance of letting anyone who handles your horse know it has been trained to stretch and be aware and safe during handling.