Easy-to-learn horse stretching that improves range of motion.

With proper education and simple to understand instructions,  a well-trained horse can be stretched in minutes.

  • We take the time to teach you the full routine;
  • In a common sense order that you and your horse will appreciate;
  • With easy-to-follow directions and demonstrations;
  • Lessons that have been taught by Frank Lloyd for over 20 years;
  • A proven system of techniques that improve your horse's performance.

Some may believe these horse stretching techniques are extreme or painful for the horse. Is yoga extreme? Horse Yoga is another term used for Horse Stretching. As you stretch a horse, it is the same for humans; it feels great as you do it and after. Stretches for horses needs to be part of anyone’s horse care routine. For human health, it is advised we stretch and exercise to maintain health. Equine health works the same way to avoid horse health problems.

The video that  teaches you how to stretch your horse.